Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

2240Hours EDT

Exposures from Beyond

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
While talking to someone online tonight, I directed him to the Gallery to check out some of the pictures I have taken. Since he particularly enjoyed the one I took of my reflection at The Waverly, I pointed out the shadow picture I took in Jacksonville. While in that album, he writes back to me.

Chad: i swear, i think i've seen some of those pics before
David: Which ones? MY pictures?
Chad: yeah
David: Odd
Chad: i think it was from a paranormal site
David: I find it highly unlikely they were my pictures then. Can you find the site?
Chad: no, it was a while ago
Chad: i think they thought your smoke pics were something else
Chad: cause those were the exact pics

Next began my Google Image search. The first search I tried yielded a very interesting result.

David: Well I will be god damned!
David: I found that site...
David: But it is no longer online, it would appear.
David: Google Image Search
David: Hold on...
David: I found the new site where they are at here.
David: Well I can see why they look similar.
David: They are in fact different photographs, but it looks like they tried to make something supernatural out of nothing.

If you go to that second link, the new location of the photographs, you will find that the pictures are broken images. Well, when they changed from the original site to the new one, they linked the pictures with capital extensions even though they are lower-case. Look at them here and here.

So instead of having to draw up some cease and desist e-mail's, I got a good laugh out of the deal. Apparently, people try to take pictures of "dust plasma," a remnant effect from the presence of a supernatural being. I would say the photographs from the cemetery above were probably taken in the same fashion as I: snapping a flash picture into exhaled cigarette smoke.

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