Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

0312Hours EST

Lunar Politics

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
Some of you may already have heard of the reported plans by President Bush to formally announce a reformation plan of action that would place as a primary goal America's return to the moon. Various news agencies and other public discussion forums have already starting asking questions about this plan and raising suspicions as to where this sudden shift in politics originated. Others are more concerned that the money being discussed for this plan could be better spent on needs closer to home.

While it is no secret my views when it comes to social policy and government are mostly liberal, I do not hold a strict loyalty to the Democratic Party. I vote on the issues individually, selecting the best candidate for the particular task at hand. I would also like to point out that in elections for my local City and County governments I have, on several occasions, voted to re-elect Republicans to continue doing the job they were adequately performing during their previous terms. I have also not made it secret that I largely disagree with the stances taken policy-wise by the current administration. I do primarily place my disgust with Republican leaders, but in many cases (such as the Patriot Acts and other similar anti-Constitutional legislative measures) Democratic officials are just as guilty.

With all that said, I offer up this theory regarding the new moon policy which I will admit sounds very exciting, especially with our space programme still laying in ruin after the unfortunate destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia nearly a year ago. It is my belief the sudden change of policy of this administration toward increasing the budget for NASA and its programmes is all due to politics and not an inherent desire to reunite the country with a goal that spans sex, race, religion and every other individual trait we possess.

A costly (fiscally and life-wise) invasion of Iraq coupled with the successive failures to complete very publicly made goals subsequent to the attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. on 11 September 2001 has certainly taken its toll on the public opinion of President Bush. While his public opinion rating did take a substantial hike after United States Military personnel located and captured Saddam Hussein, current local issues such as the return of the ever-growing national deficit (currently approximated around one-half trillion dollars), unemployment and the economy as a whole are going to be, or at least should be the ultimate deciders when Americans go to the polls.

And the polls they will go in just under eleven months. Public opinion will have its best opportunity to affect change in office from the time starting now all the way to 02 November. While opinion polls are important for every elected official at all times, the general public as a whole is more likely to remember things an official has said or done in the time immediately prior to an election.

I know most of the regular visitors who are likely to reply are probably going to lean toward this being a plan not for the overall good of the nation, but for the continued re-election efforts. I would be very interested to read some opposing opinions if people can mind their comments and keep the conversation to the topic without making personal remarks.

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  • JJEternal

    As much as I would like to hope that the President's interest in putting humans on the moon (or Mars) is purely idealistic and pure, I can't do it. With the election only 7 months away, Bush wants to piggy-back on NASA's success. Not only does this program cheapen NASA's richly deserved praise, but it shows how gullible the Bush thinks we are. This is an election ploy, pure and simple.

    And before we start comparing Bush and Kennedy, we must first remember that Kennedy's 1960 speech about putting a man on the moon was also political. The Soviet Union had just launched Sputnik (which means "fellow traveler" in Russian) and the US had to out-do the Soviets in the "space race." At the time, to show any weakness in the Cold War was seen as a defeat and the Americans had suffered one with the launch of Sputnik. Declaring that the US would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade was a political statement towards the Soviets. Additionally, there was a safety issue because the Americans believed the Soviets would put weapons on satelites and American space weapons were the only way to balance the power.

    Grand programs about putting men in space has always been political, although I would say Kennedy's rationale was a lot more relevant and unselfish.

  • FSUpaintball

    I'll bet he thinks there's oil up there ;-)

  • Thorin

    I agree with Dennis Kucinich is he hoping to find weapons of mass destruction up there?

  • David July

    And I would agree with him with the exception of his spamming my website referrers attempting to lure me to his Presidential campaign website!

  • Syelence

    The poor man needs the traffic...

  • David July

    Regarding Mars
    Full-Screen Panorama of the Surface of Mars

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