Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

2104Hours EDT

Memorial Day Weekend

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
A few reflections on my weekend at the Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort. I am feeling lazy so I shall keep this brief.
  • Open bar can never be bad.
  • Being intoxicated with co-workers is not a good idea... ...unless of course, they are more drunk than you.
  • I love the beach.
  • I love cute casino Blackjack dealers.
  • I dislike when they have a girlfriend at the Roulette table.
  • Straight clubs are fun, even when in a mixed crowd... ...especially when you make out with your friends, co-workers and strangers.
  • Sunscreen is your best friend.
  • I cannot wait to go back.

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  • flcute76

    As for my weekend i had a blast. it was sooo much fun.

    Saturday night was spent drinking for free, eating, gambling for fake money, dancing the night away, and more drinking.

    Sunday was a glorious day. i spent hours on the beach. first i got to ride a jetski and that was so much fun. i understand now why so many people love them. i spent some time sitting under an umbrella for a bit. i went swimming in the gulf and the water was so beautiful. i got to ride the jetski a second time. which was so nice because the people running the event were looking for someone to take a child out and i volunteered to help them. it turned out that they got that taken care of without my help. however they had more spaces available for people to ride and they let me go again. ok so i got burned to a crisp but it was worth it.

    the evening was as much fun as the day. the company david works for had arranged a pirate cruise. it was fun, again free drinks and food. i got a bit um.. buzzed. had alot of fun hanging out with david's co workers. i got my face painted and took pictures of the boat and the sunset that was too awesome for words. by the end of the night i was in so much pain from the sunburn i could barely walk even tho i had a bit to drink i was still hurting. i came back to the room we were in and took a cold shower to try and make some of the heat coming from my body go away. in the end i had to take 2 tylenol pm just to stay asleep.

    i have to say even tho i am still in some discomfort i would not have traded it for anything...

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