Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

1541Hours EDT


by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
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1. Happiness with one's situation in life
Anyone believe in the concept of a perfect day? I think I experienced one today despite the fact I was working during it. It may not have been a life altering day like Phil Connors finally experienced, but as I sit here writing this I feel a level of content and pleasure I have not experienced in a long, long time.

The real estate company I work for put me in charge of a new project which was the focus of my day today. I am creating an online relocation presentation designed to educate people interested in moving to the Orlando metropolitan area. Each presentation takes a particular area, Orlando, Winter Park, Lake Mary, Altamonte Springs, etc., and highlights the various homes available, community developments, social and recreational activities, major shopping complexes and things of that nature. The first part of this project is to go around to these various parts of town and take pictures. I did this all day long.

It was such a beautiful day. I drove with the windows down, sunroof open, the wind in my hair. I think I may have actually gotten a little sun as well, which is badly needed on my very white body. I need to go to the beach soon, too, but during the day (I usually go at night).

Since I was given the company digital camera I have been taking lots of non-work related pictures as well, most of which will be posted to the Gallery soon.

A lot of little good things have been happening lately and I believe they have unlocked that part of me that has been absent too long. That part of me that can just accept things at face value and enjoy life, instead of fearing it. I am not lonely anymore. I do not want a relationship right now. I am excited about work, my side projects and life in general. I am happy.

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