Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

0015Hours EDT
5.25-inch Floppy Diskette Article Archive

Note to Self: Ceiling Fan Direction

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

Not that I cannot simply go back online to obtain this information again, but I figured it would be easier to post it here and maybe also help a few people.

Most, if not all ceiling fans have a switch which changes the direction in which they spin. Due to the tilt of the blades this obviously affects how the warmer air is distributed about the room.

During the summer the fan should move clockwise, while in the winter it should rotate counter-clockwise. Um, never mind. Read the comments below for more.

The Radio

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
As much as I like music and often berate the radio for its evil ways, I really do listen to the radio a lot. I had not fully realised this until a few days ago when I caught myself disappointed I missed a particular programme. Depending on my daily mood, I can listen to any number of musical genres but often (especially so at work) if I am not playing CD's from my collection I listen to classical music. But aside from that there are a certain number of specific shows I enjoy throughout the week. Here they are, in chronological order by air time.

BBC NEWS My preferred source of world news is the BBC. Combined with NPR's Morning Edition (see below), the BBC World Report is my one-stop-shop for the majority of my news. Although it is difficult for me to catch the local radio syndication of BBC News because of the times it airs, I do at least fall asleep listening to the night broadcast.

When: Daily at 0000 and 0500
Where: WMFE 90.7 FM
Listen: Worldwide Schedule
Stream: Yes

MORNING EDITION I could really care less about the majority of the morning shows on local radio. And then of course the fact that it is indeed morning and I am functioning in only the most basic form. Thus my preferred drive to work aural entertainment comes in the form of National Public Radio's news programme, Morning Edition. Even if I listen to a local station for a while, I generally end up back here.

When: Weekdays from 0600 to 0900
Where: WMFE 90.7 FM
Listen: Nationwide Schedule
Stream: Yes

THE PHILIPS PHILE Jim, Moira, Jack, Oddo and the Intern host a lively call-in talk show with discussion topics ranging from politics to entertainment and including everything in between. Simultaneously clever, hilarious, intelligent and serious, The Philips Phile has been a show I have enjoyed for more than ten years.

When: Weekdays from 1500 to 1900
Where: WTKS 104.1 FM, XM Radio Channel 152
Listen: XM Nationwide Schedule
Stream: Yes

ALL THINGS CONSIDERED An interview and news show, All Things Considered is like Morning Edition in many ways but gets into more detail about the discussed subject matter. While some topics are of little of no interest to me, the quality of the story is often compelling enough to prevent me from switching stations (unless I am switching between this and The Philips Phile).

When: Weekdays from 1600 to 1800
Where: WMFE 90.7 FM
Listen: Nationwide Schedule
Stream: Yes

ECHOES I like ambient music a lot. Whether am sitting at home working on the computer or driving around town for the sake of driving, I often enjoy the accompaniment of Echoes. Hosted by John Diliberto whose voice is worth a tune-in alone, Echoes features ambient jazz, acoustic, electronic, space music and more from artists spanning every ethnicity, culture, background and generation.

When: Friday to Sunday from 2000 to 0000
Where: WMFE 90.7 FM
Listen: Nationwide Schedule
Stream: Yes

Needing New Digs

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
Contrary to popular belief not every person that happens to be a male homosexual enjoys or even regularly tolerates the act of shopping. It is not something I enjoy. Rarely do I like to window shop either, because that entire process seems a waste of time if there is really no intention on making a purchase in the first place. So at the risk of losing my membership card and my row of toaster ovens, I venture out to retail clothing establishments as infrequently as possible (read: when I absolutely, positively have nothing decent to wear in my entire closet).

Although my new and still wonderful employment permits me to come in wearing jeans and t-shirts, I realised that not only do I need some new pairs of jeans but all of my shoes are pretty pathetic looking. Therefore it is with great disdain I must venture out Saturday to obtain one or two pairs of comfortable jeans, a new pair of tennis shoes and a pair of business casual boot-style shoes that are also appropriate for social outings. Someone please shoot me now.

I suppose my greatest concern in all of this is the fact that I may not be able to discern if a pair of shoes meets my business casual (with Dockers) and social (recreation and clubs) requirement. What is too formal or casual? I am very much hoping the clerks in the stores I visit today are competent enough to properly advise me on these issues. Or perhaps I should do the right thing and ring up a fag or two to come along and be my personal shopper.

Yes, that is the ticket! Either way I will need a nice stiff drink at the end of all this to celebrate the completion of my sure to be terrible retail shopping experience and simultaneously the fact that I can plan on having to do it again no sooner than six months from now. Or so I hope.

Yeah, you had better take the card and those toasters away from me now.

Jobby Job: Day One

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

I can easily and succinctly summarise the first day at my new job...

I have an office!

Things went really well today and I am excited about this position. For the first time in a while it seems like something that may have some long-term possibilities and certainly room for advancement. Of course, tomorrow is only day two but I am looking forward to the next months to see how things develop.