Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

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Lawyer Sues Vocal Fling

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
Remember the Washington, D.C. scandal last year after a staff aide was revealed to have engaged in sex acts with many in the political arena? Well, it's back.

Jessica Cutler, 27, the ex-employee of Senator Mike DeWine (R-Ohio), is being sued by one of DeWine's staff attorneys, Robert Steinbuch. Steinbuch claims that his privacy rights were violated when Cutler published details of her various sexual encounters with Washington players — including Steinbuch — on her weblog under the name "Washingtonienne."

Steinbuch claims he was personally identified on multiple occasions when Cutler referred to "RS" or "Rob" and included the details that Steinbuch says make it clear to whom she was referring. In the blog — which has been resurrected in its supposedly original form from an individual's browser cache — Cutler describes in explicit detail the acts she and Steinbuch engaged in, an action he purports is a violation of his rights.

In fact, the suit filed in U.S. Federal Court on Monday, 16 May 2005, confirms and corrects many of the steamy details from Cutler's online diary. According to The Washington Post, Steinbuch confirmed he and Cutler engaged in "spanking and hair pulling during their sexual activity."

After the knowledge of the tawdry, high-profile affairs broke in the nation's Capitol, Cutler was offered $300,000 USD to pen a book (see excerpt) entitled "The Washingtonienne: A Novel" available now in stores. She declined to comment to Washington Post reporters when they asked her about the suit.

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