Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

0419Hours EDT
5.25-inch Floppy Diskette Article Archive

The Nations Learn War No More

A loose roof shingle atop the reconstructed Greenhouse Slave Quarters (1951) in the Upper Garden at Mount Vernon.

3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, Virginia: 04 July 2014

part of the Mount Vernon album

In general, I do not care for April Fools' Day mischievousness and misdirection. However, Mount Vernon's "Klingon Visitation Guide" (webpage and video) is amusing and quite unexpected.

I shared my discovery of this material last Saturday with Erik and Lauren via email. They live in Alexandria, Virginia — about eleven miles north of Mount Vernon — and came along during my visit there in 2014.

Beyond sharing the Klingon links, this seemed like a good opportunity to develop and publish a few photographs from that visit.