Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

1657Hours EDT

Unsecured Debt

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
Can someone please explain to me why anyone with property would place a second mortgage upon it in order to get a loan advertised to pay off high interest debts? For the love of God people, credit card debt is not worth losing your house over. While I am sure the system is abused by some, bankruptcy procedures are in place to protect you in a financial crisis. It absolutely boggles my mind that people would get a Ditech, GreenLight or another similar loan and risk losing the most valuable asset they probably have or ever will. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Items of Note

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

I have been meaning to write out several stories based on current events that I think may be amusing to the general public but I have been rather lackadaisical with it. They will be coming soon however. In the meantime here are some items I just wanted to briefly mention.

  • Gas Prices
    What the hell is going on at the gas pump? I dumped nearly $20.00 today to fill my just-shy-of twelve gallon tank. Luckily for me my 1994 Honda Civic EX will take that tank of regular unleaded fuel to around 350 miles, but still the prices around here are getting ridiculous. The average as far as I have been able to ascertain from driving around the Orlando metropolitan and surrounding areas must be somewhere around $1.71 per US Gallon. I would be very curious to hear comments from those around the country (and world for that matter) with regard to your local gasoline prices, so please reply with those.

  • ATM for Books
    Whilst dropping off some friends at the Orlando International Airport so they could embark on a vacation to outside Denver, Colorado, we happened upon an invention we had yet to lay eyes upon: an automated book-dispenser. The touch-screen interface allows the end-user to browse through or search a limited selection of best selling fiction and non-fiction paperback and mass market books and make purchases using cash or a credit/debit card. Upon payment the machine spits out the book much like a snack or beverage vending machine. If you find yourself at the Orlando International Airport, take a walk past the W. H. Smith Books Company store and find this machine outside of it.

  • Free Online PDF Conversion
    If you wish to create professional documents in the ever popular Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) but do not wish to shell out the money for a conversion utility I recommend an online product that does the job quite well and is free of charge. BLC Technologies' free conversion tools allow you to submit files to be converted to PDF or HTML formats and also decode PDF into more usable Microsoft Word, HTML, plain text and image formats. After submitting your documents you will receive an e-mail with the resulting file attached. The conversion was perfect for the Word files I made into PDF's and they arrived at my mail box quickly. Check it out:

  • A Word from Our Sponsor
    Though I am still redeveloping my business website, I am currently in the process of starting a local advertising campaign for my services: professional yet inexpensive web hosting, domain name registration/management/renewals, on-site support/training and consultation. I will be specifically targeting small local businesses, artists, musicians, bars, pubs, cafes, art galleries and similar organisations. It is my belief that after being involved with the local downtown community for many years I can best support these artists and businesses by providing necessary services at a cost that is more than manageable. I have already received support from a local small business and an artist who are now going to be developing their online presences with me. I will be producing some fliers and hope to make a name for myself in the community. If you would like more information on my services or would like to get some business cards and fliers for your business or gallery, please let me know. Thank you.

The Evening Beautiful

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

As I sit here next to my open window, the slightly humid breeze blows through the room gently preparing me for a wonderful night's sleep. Today, a stark contrast to the blahs of yesterday was not quite but just nearly perfect. I met up with my friends Jessica and Chris as Jessica was getting out of work, took us all down to a local market to buy food and then enjoyed her wonderful eggplant and pasta dish whilst watching Rushmore.

Afterwards we walked the streets of historic downtown and then around Lake Eola, feeding the local wildlife the stolen loafs of bread that will be discussed in the upcoming story, An Evening of Firsts. Walking around the lake feeding ducks under the then-clear sky and among the shadows of the few tall buildings Orlando does have was something I had been missing; perhaps not that activity specifically, but just the pure act of existing in an environment of relaxed joy.

We sipped our beer from car coffee mugs and watched some guys do tricks on bicycles. Some ducks and swans were rather apathetic to our attempts to feed them while others gladly awoke for a midnight snack. Even now that the humidity had risen slightly to 90% (though it does not feel that high) the moderate temperature of 68°F (20°C) feels wonderful. As much as I really hate to admit it, I think I may have finally acclimated to the temperatures of this region. Sure it may have taken me just over fourteen years to get to that point, but I suppose that it better than never at all. I still yearn for something, someplace different. As I walked downtown I realised how I wished I had been walking the streets of the city by the bay rather than the city beautiful. But at least until that time comes when I am walking in the shadow of Sutro Tower and the Golden Gate, I have found an appreciation for something that is right here outside my door.

Done Your Taxes Yet?

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
I have not quite finished the true story I am writing, so instead thought I would try to make a few bucks off people who have not quite done their taxes yet. I did mine yesterday using H&R Block's intuitive, quick and free online tax submission system. Already today I received my confirmation that the IRS had received and accepted my return.

If you want to try H&R Block's free online tax programme, click here and you will get $10.00. If you elect to use H&R Block's professional services and you use this link you will get $20.00. I get a referral bonus as well so everyone wins.

You have to purchase tax preparation products before 15 April 2004 and you cannot have used H&R Block services last year. I cannot sponsor the professional tax services as I have never used them, but I do fully recommend the free do-it-yourself programme.

Music CD Settlement

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

I had forgotten about this up until I received the following letter and a check for $13.86.

CD MAP Antitrust Litigation
P.O. Box 1650
Faribault, MN 55021-1650


February, 2004

Dear Florida Music Purchaser:

As Attorney General for the State of Florida, I am pleased to enclose payment for your claim in the settlement of the Compact Disc Minimum Advertised Price Antitrust Litigation. This lawsuit was brought by the Attorneys General of 43 states and three territories and by counsel for Private Class Plaintiffs on behalf of purchasers of music CDs. In accordance with the terms of the court-approved settlement, payment is being made to music purchasers who filed a valid and timely claim.

Whether you filed your claim online at the settlement web site,, or by mail, the attached payment represents full payment of your portion of the Settlement. Please not that the attached payment instrument must be cashed by May 20, 2004.

It is a pleasure to bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion and to return value to consumers who purchased CDs while the challenged pricing policies were in effect.

Charlie Crist
Attorney General of Florida