Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

2211Hours EDT
5.25-inch Floppy Diskette Article Archive

Assorted Bits

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I love having things organized, but there are times that my computer tends to get away from me, specifically with my own personal files and my e-mail. I had enough last night and decided to remedy this situation. Instead of trying to "fix" my e-mail boxes, I did my preferred first step — start over. I created a new database file and moved content I needed to keep over to the new file, making absolutely sure messages that could be deleted were deleted. Amazing how much easier it is to navigate and use now. Next: my documents.

I somehow managed to get Clairol Herbal Essences in my mouth during a recent shower. While I highly recommend these pleasant smelling hair care products, I do suggest maintaining a closed mouth while using them.

Today is my friend Chris Benitez's birthday. Drop by his website and wish him well. Tonight I will be attending his not-so-surprise party and with any luck, remembering it tomorrow. Just kidding. No, really.

The countdown to my vacation in New York is now at fifteen days and counting. With the help of the internet and the Lonely Planet book I purchased, I now have a six-page document with notes and information on a variety of topics including transportation, nightspots, nerdy locales (like the fire station from Ghostbusters), museums and restaurants.

I am commissioned to produce new menus and a website for a local restaurant. I will post more about this project and review some of the food in the near future.

New York City

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After looking at Seattle, San Francisco and Washington D.C., I have decided to trek up to New York City and spend more time than I was permitted on my business trip last September. The west coast destinations were nearly impossible to manage due to some of the flight restrictions — mainly the fact I would have to travel for more than a week — of my complimentary travel vouchers. And while the idea of visiting the nation's capitol was exciting, I have spent a considerable amount of time there and not nearly enough time in the Big Apple.

I will be in the city from Thursday, 14 April through Tuesday, 19 April 2005 for anyone interested in meeting-up.

Photo Credit: Chris Annis

New Stories

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
In addition to the three draft but mostly only outlined articles I am currently writing, the past week's events have compelled me to put those items on hold temporarily and instead compose several new stories based upon those events.

One story will detail a day of consumerism with a focus on the level of customer service one can encounter. The other is about a unique wedding and the random road trip that followed.

I really want to put some energy into these stories and not just make them some text thrown together on a website. That said, it may take a little while for them to come to fruition.

Say What?

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
I have been both busy working on other things and legitimately slacking when it comes to writing articles on pre-decided topics. In fact, three separate compositions sit on my desktop unfinished. And instead of completing one of them right now—when I would rather go to bed—I will share a recent search request that brought someone to Mount Sutro.

While I am sure the intention of the searcher was genuine and possibly educational, I can only hope that their communicatory faux pas is not something they would dare repeat in the context of a human-to-human conversation.

Yikes! I really hope that the person in question was simply looking for colour photographs and perhaps is just a little rusty with the English language. Are the schools in North Dakota really that bad?

As to the fact that Mount Sutro is the second result for that search phrase, MSN combined both my post about (ironically) people searching for pictures of civil rights veteran Rosa Parks and a quote from an entry containing colour photographs from World War Two.

Linkage I

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

NASA Langley Research Center: Crash Test Videos
Videos of intentional airplane crashes.

Japan Photoblog
My good friend Steven Patten moved to Japan a few months ago. Now that he is settled into his apartment and job, he is regularly posting to his website pictures and stories of an American living in Tokyo.

Zookeepers Chase Man In Lion Suit
"A Japanese zoo prepared for animal escapes by chasing a volunteer dressed in a lion costume."

Industrial Shredder Demonstration
Watch as items including tires, appliances, furniture and more are absolutely pulverised. [ via ]

STC FontBrowser 2.0
Browse through and preview any and all installed fonts with this interactive Flash tool. [ via ]

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