Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

0437Hours EDT
5.25-inch Floppy Diskette Article Archive

Phrase of the Day

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"Data Hygiene," as in correcting and updating content within a database, was used during an important conference call and presentation I was giving this morning to ten individuals around the world. Of course, I had to keep from laughing aloud as one person after another said "data hygiene" a few times. Not to mention the foreign accents.

Hurricane Jeanne

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What can I say? It is going to get very wet and windy here (again) as now Category 3 Hurricane Jeanne moves in. No more live coverage though as I am tired of hurricanes and instead will be enjoying a good book and some alcohol during this storm.

An amusing note: as I was going through the below links, updating them as necessary from their use during Frances, I discovered that many organizations that had previously been naming the information pages "charlie" and "frances" have now just called them "hurricane." Smart move, webmasters!

» WESH Channel 2
» WKMG Channel 6
» WFTV Channel 9
» Central Florida News 13
» WMFE Channel 24

» Weather Watches and Warnings
» National Hurricane Centre
» Local Radar
» Visible Satellite Loop
» Visible Satellite (still frame)
» State of Florida Resource Links
» NASA Hurricane Stuff

Too Busy to FCUK

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It has been an interesting few days, to say the least. Between my increased workload involved with the matter that required my recent trek to New York City, two web development projects I am working on for people (one pay, one freebee) and normal everyday chores, I have been hopelessly busy. Today was the first day of work during which I did not feel completely overwhelmed. Not that I ever was; in fact, I really like being busy, but with this situation being a little new to me I was trying to be efficient and quick without tripping over anything.

It seems like Hurricane Ivan may be making its way back to Florida for a second volley. How wonderful for us. In the meantime, there are several other storms brewing in the Atlantic that may or may not head this way. I wonder what the contingency is if the entire alphabet of storm names is used but storms continue to form. Do they start duplicating the first letter in the name as so many businesses do to be listed in the telephone book ahead of normally spelled competitors? I despise that practice, by the way.

If you are out and get hit on by someone you are not interested in, you can give out this number: 212.479.7990. Yes, the New York City Rejection Line! It works doubly well if you do not in fact live within the Manhattan area because having a 212 telephone number might further impress that loser that will not leave you alone. And no, I did not receive this number while out and about anywhere.

My co-worker just dropped off a DVD copy of a film entitled Latter Days. I have never heard of it before but he says it is a "cute" movie. We shall see tonight, likely while working on the above-mentioned web development projects.

My new home network, complete with wireless access is up and running almost perfectly. I was pleasantly surprised to discover the wireless connection works throughout my house, despite the various opportunities for interference. I am still having a problem getting my notebook to accept a DHCP-issued IP address and DNS information, but this is not a new issue for that computer. The only other issue I have discovered is the inability to use MAC filtering on the router. For some reason when MAC filtering is enabled, all wireless connections are banned. I am not broadcasting my SSID and set-up a shared key so that should work sufficiently to prevent any pesky neighbors from leeching my bandwidth.

I was originally planning on heading up to Tallahassee this weekend, but between paying off some bills and my mother's birthday, I will have to postpone that venture. It will give me the chance to finish a few projects around the house that have been in limbo since my surgery.

Finally, if you are confused, shocked or offended by the title, FCUK is a recursive acronym for the French Connection chain of retailers. The sign in the window of their mid-town Manhattan shop: "Don't make us say it."

Greetings from Manhattan

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I am writing this from my Executive Level room at the Hilton Towers New York. I cannot believe the view from my room! In addition to having a staff memeber dedicated to these rooms, the lights of Times Square are visibile from my window. I am getting ready to head out for a night on the town with local blogger Mike over at Christopher Street's The Duplex. After, of course, a visit to the hotel bar to sit and feel important whilst still in my brand new and fucking sharp suit! You know what? I never thought I would say this, but I think I could get used to this city, despite the snow.

Start spreadin' the news, I'm leaving Thursday...

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I leave Thursday for a two-day business trip to New York City! I purchased a nice suit today and am making my final preparations now for the presentation I am going to be giving and for my transportation and such during my stay. I am flying American Airlines to La Guardia and staying at the centrally located Hilton New York. I cannot express in words how excited I am about this trip and how I am looking forward to positive things work-wise as a result. Wish me luck... this could be big!