Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

1418Hours EDT

Google Talk

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help

Since it was released two weeks ago, I have been using Google Talk as my primary instant messaging client. I have to say that after using this newly developed and still beta application, it will be difficult for me to use another client.

The interface is very clean and minimalist, containing only required features, buttons and other graphical elements. While offering quick and easy text chat capabilities, Google Talk also boasts what I consider to be revolutionary duplex voice. The pure digital format means that when connected to another user the audio is better than any analog or digital telephone, landline or cellular. The compression rate was such that only occasional disruptions and digital noise are present. Even then, it was only an issue when more than human vocal data is being transmitted — such as music or a television in the background. And finally, I would like to note that the installer for Google Talk beta is only 900 kilobytes and while running and active, the client itself uses a measly 2.5 megabytes of memory.

Given I am such a fan of Google Talk, it is now the only chat client I am using. And since Google Talk uses a Google Mail account for authentication, Gmail users are ready for Google Talk immediately. You can add me as a friend — see contact — and chat today. Or if you need a Gmail account I have hundreds of invites available so you do not have to go through the mobile SMS verification in place now. Just let me know.

Photo Credit: Google, Inc.

UPDATE: Looking for Missing Family

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
I am pleased to be able to post this update to my family's request for information about missing relatives due to Hurricane Katrina.
Bless you Michelle in Texas for calling me, not once but twice, to make sure I received the message my family in Ocean Springs was fine. Amidst all this tragedy there are good people who go the extra mile to help someone else. I hope you find your loved ones soon. Thanks to your message I was able to help Linda's family in England via e-mail.

Many Thanks,

Carol in Florida

Looking for Missing Family

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
My mother asked me to post the following in the hope we may reconnect with missing family who live in the areas effected by Hurricane Katrina. UPDATE
I am looking for my family in Ocean Springs and Biloxi, Mississippi. In Ocean Springs, Frieda and Bill Orsi on Audrey Circle and cousins Dan and Linda Richard on Woodland Circle. In Biloxi, cousin Suzanne Palfreyman on McDonnell.

I ask that they or anyone with news or information about their status contact me either by telephone (407.766.2058) or e-mail ( Also, if you have been in either of these two areas, I would appreciate an e-mail to let me know the condition.

Thank You,

Carol Nichelson
I have submitted this request to Craig's List: New Orleans Lost and Found (post) and The New Orleans Times-Picayune Missing Persons Forum (post). Please feel free to link to this entry or reproduce it on any additional mediums that may increase visibility.

I would additionally like to add that I will be donating goods during a local collection campaign tomorrow and encourage you to do the same in your area. And if you have the means, the American Red Cross could use your financial support.

Day Three

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
The drive up here to Tallahassee on Sunday was fairly uneventful, save for driving in the outer rain bands of Hurricane Katrina which, much to my surprise and delight, were substantially weaker than I expected. The rain was light, but steady and some wind gusts knocked my car around a bit. Overall, I think everyone here in Florida is very lucky, unfortunately at the expense of Mississippi.

I am all settled in here at Claire and Ashleigh's house where I have a nice guest room to myself, my computer and most of my clothing. As an added bonus, I have been enjoying their fifty-five inch widescreen rear-projection television with high definition. INHD and INHD2 are officially my two new favourite channels, even when the show is not of particular interest.

My new job with the government (herein and thereafter referred to as "The Agency") is going well, so far. I have already started to acclimate to the new environment, policies and procedures while at the same time learning some new things and hopefully proving to be a valuable asset to the organization.

Since giving it a try when it first became available last week, I have fallen in love with the simplicity and power of Google Talk, the new instant message and voice chat client. While not yet available for non-Windows platforms, this thin and resource light tool is great for standard instant messaging plus offers a wonderfully crystal-clear live voice feature. The pure digital quality of the transmission is quite spectacular. My overall fondness for this new application and my ongoing displeasure about the way Trillian runs on my older system has brought the decision that I will use Google Talk primarily. It requires a Google Mail ("gMail") account to use, so if you do not already have one and would like to chat with me, let me know and I will send you the invite to Google Mail and to Google Talk. If you already have Google Talk and would like to chat, my address is — surprise, surprise —

And last but most certainly not least, my new Post Office Box is active. Feel free to send me mail, though remember that if you need to ship something using a non-USPS service, DHL is the only organization that will deliver to USPS boxes.

David July
Post Office Box 268
Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0268