Mount Sutro: An Electronic Periodical

2338Hours EDT
5.25-inch Floppy Diskette Article Archive

Lessons In Normalcy, Redux

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
It seems like it has been absolutely forever since I last wrote. The truth of the matter is I just really have nothing much to say these days. But before the entries on the main page age to the point where nothing is even displayed, I had better bore you with some recent happenings.

The job search could be going better, but I am remaining optimistic about several opportunities that have recently popped-up. One in particular is with a law firm that is run by the mother of a friend of mine who worked with me (well, more like I took over for her) at Yab Yum. There are also a few others leads I am following from both people I know and positions posted in the paper and online.

I am very excited and eagerly anticipating the final thumbs-up for my new web development and hosting project. The site is for a coffee and ice cream shop situated south of SR 50 (Colonial Drive) on Alafaya, near the Stanton Energy Centre. While the operating manager is very excited about the ideas I have presented, the final approval for a project as involved as this lays with the actual owners. While he does not expect them to question his judgement that this site could only be a very positive thing for the relatively new store, I will learn their final decision tomorrow. I will be sure to write more about this after I get the approval to begin work (oh, and a check).

I recently watched a slew of movies I had never seen before, including John Q, The Mummy Returns, The Foreigner, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and several more which I cannot even think of right now. I was pretty pleased with the lot of them, but The Foreigner was pretty ho-hum. Sad, but every time they mentioned "the package" in the film, I kept thinking about another type of package.

Finally, Black Hole, Florida keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Even worse is the fact it seems no longer confined to gays. I suppose Erik was right in saying I usually become a regular at any place I frequent, which helps this. But I still have to wonder if I would have this problem in a real city. I hope to find out in the next few years.

As Useless As Thought

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
A few days back I mentioned having located my site on the fantasy blog stock market site, BlogShares. Well, after reading a little bit more about this game, I feel that it was a waste of time to have mentioned it at all. The value of a blog is determined by the number of outgoing and incoming links, as determined from having an active Blogrolling link collection on your site. While I do use the Blogrolling programme and think it to be a very nice system, I prefer to use the link management script I wrote. I like to off-link nothing from the site that could possibly cause non-loading in the event of a network or system error somewhere else. Due to this fact, it is unlikely I will be indexed very high on their scale unless they change the method of determining traffic.

And with that, Happy Easter. I am off to a cook-out with boys.

Black Hole, Florida

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I think Orlando is collapsing in on itself these days. It seems every time I meet someone new, they have direct or indirect connections to other people I know: friends, ex-boyfriends or ex-whatevers. The worst part is that this trend is getting worse and worse by the day. Kevin Bacon can turn invisible for all I care; that guy has got nothing on my degrees of separation.

Trade Me

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
I said I would never bother with it, but after discovering Mount Sutro had been added to the Internet's latest booming meme, BlogShares, I figured I may as well check it out. So should anyone so desire, you can buy and sell shares of blog stock (based upon incoming and outgoing linkage).

At the time of this writing, Mount Sutro was worth $130.40.

Wheel of Stupidity

by Archived Article (2001–2014) Help
Why does every contestant on Wheel of Fortune insist on spending their well-earned prize money buying vowels? This is ridiculous. If the phrase GO TO H_LL is on the board, do you really need to purchase that "E" to figure it out? Just solve the god damn puzzle, will ya? Further, by filling out more of each word than necessary, you may actually be helping your fellow players figure out the puzzle whereas before they might have not really known a word.

I did do a search online to try to find the official show rules to no avail. I thought perhaps there might be a rule stipulating you must purchase so many vowels per round or if you have so much money. If not, then people are just stupid. Here is my positive message to all of those people who needlessly purchase vowels: F_CK Y_U. There, solve that.